Rabu, 11 Januari 2012

mc panca bhakti englsh competition

Dibaca MC pada saat acara pembukaan

MC 1 : Attention please....For all audience and the participants ... before we start this
opening ceremony ... we invited to be able to enter the room and occupy the seats
available ... thank you.....

MC 2 : Ladies and gentlmen .... let's all start this opening ceremony ...
MC 1 : the honorable, the chairman of the Educational Foundation of Panca Bhakti
MC 2 : the honorable, the director of nursing academy of Panca Bhakti
MC 1 : the honorable, the director of midwifery academy of Panca Bhakti
MC 2 : the honorable, the lecturers and staff of nursing and midwifery academy of Panca
MC 1 : the honorable, the assistant teacher of participants
MC 2 : and the distinguished, the participants of Panca Bhakti English Competition 2010

MC 1 and 2 :Assalamualaikum wr.wb

MC 1 : First of all, let’s pray to Allah SWT. Because of His blessings and merciful, we are
able to gather in this place, in order to watch and follow an event, which is as an
annual agenda of nursing and midwifery academy of Panca Bhakti. Namely, the
English Competition among SMA / SMK / MA in Bandar Lampung, 2010, in the
theme of: "........................ ..............................................."

MC 2 : Ladies and gentlemen
Here, we are going to read out the sequence of events on this morning. The first
agenda is opening. Let’s together open the event today by saying Basmalah.....
Bismillahirrohmaanirrohim. Thank you.

MC 1 : Coming to the second agenda, there will be report of the committee chairman.
which this time, will be delivered by .......................... . For Mr/Ms............time for
yours.(setelah laporan ketua panitia MC bilang ....thank you)

MC 2 : Then for the third agenda, speech by the chairman of the educational foundation of
Panca Bhakti. And for the honorable Mr. .................................time for yours.

MC 1 : The next speech, will be delivered by the director of Nursing / midwifery of Panca
Bhakti and thus opening the Panca Bhakti English competition 2010. And for the
respectable Mr/Ms ......................... time for yours

MC 2 : Ladies and gentlemen .... for the blessing of this event .... let’s come to the next
agenda, there will be prayer. Which at this time will be led by ...........
.........................and for Mr.....................time for yours.

MC 1 : Alright ladies and gentlemen. Thus a series of agendas of opening ceremony of Panca Bhakti English Competition 2010. And now we will come to the competition session. As we know, that the competition is divided into five branches of competition: for speech contest, which will be held in this hall. Then for story telling, which will be held on the second floor . While Scrabble will be held on the third floor. Then for the wall magazine and news casting will be held on the first floor. Our committee will guide you to enter each room that has been determined.

MC 2 : And as we remind, that this Panca Bhakti English Competition 2010 is sponsored by........,........,........,............. Thank you.....and now...we say have a nice competition and good luck....!!!

Dibaca MC pada saat acara penutupan dan pembagian hadiah

MC 1 : Attention please, for all participants are hoped to be able to enter the hall to join with the closing ceremony and announcement of winners. Thank you.
(setelah semua peserta memasuki ruang aula)

MC 2 : Well, let's begin this closing ceremony .
The honorable,1 .............................................. ...
and the our beloved, the participants of Panca Bhakti English Competition 2010.
The set for the competition has been through together. The struggle we have done,it’s also very maximum. And now it's time for us, to listen to the announcement of each Swinners for each competition.

MC 1 : Well, we start from the speech competition. As a first winner, won by
.................from the school of.................. And as the second winner, won
by.................from the school of........... .................... then for the third winner, won by
............. from the school of ......................
And for each winner, we hope to be able to come on the stage, in order to get the
trophy. Then, we invite, the honorable............................ to be able to give gifts to
each participant.
(diulang dengan kalimat yang sama untuk caang lomba yang lain, story telling, scrabble, wall magazine dan news casting).
(setelah pembagian hadiah selesai, ajak semua peserta untuk foto bersama)
Excuse me , to all the winners, we hope to be able to re come on the stage for a picture together and to the honorable Mr/Ms.......................... to be able to back onto the stage for a picture together. Thank you.
Ladies and gentlemen
As a series of our events today, will be closed with the speech from .................. and also will be continued by closing this competition formally. For the honorable .........................time for yours.
Ladies and gentlemen ... that’s all the series of events for Panca Bhakti English Competition 2010. And we are as the master of ceremony and represent of all commitees involved. Saying apologies for the weaknesses found.
We also congratulate, to all the winners, we hope today's experience wil be the road to success for your future.
And for those who haven’t won, do not worry, there are still many chances of other opportunities that we can achieve. You all are the best.
Finally let’s close the Panca Bhakti English Competition 2010 by saying Hamdalah..... Alhamdulillahi robbil alamiin.... and... Wassalamualaikum wr.wb...Good bye and see you next year.