Rabu, 11 Januari 2012

MC untuk cabang lomba News Casting

MC untuk cabang lomba News Casting

Assalamualaikum wr wb. Good morning Ladies and gentlemen, especially, the participants of News Casting. Welcome to the Panca Bhakti English competition for the News Casting session. Alright Ladies and gentlemen, before we start the competition. I will read the contest rules as follows:
1. Participant must take the turning number prepared by the commitee
2. Participant will be given one minute to understand the news
3. Juries will choose the best five for the next round
4. Our jury today consisted of 3 persons, they are Mr.................. from ........... .......................... ............. then Mr / Ms.......................from ......... ........ and Mr. / Ms...........................from ......... ..........................

All right ladies and gentlemen, to shorten the time let’s welcome the first participants, ...................................from..........................(let’s give a big applause for ....................from.............................)

(setelah peserta pertama menyampaikan beritanya, MC bilang Thank you...then ladies and gentlemen, we come to the second participant, ............................. from......................alright ladies and gentlemen, let’s welcome , the second participant,.................................from....................................)dst

(setelah semua peserta melakukan pembacaan berita, MC memberikan pengumuman....ladies and gentlemen, that’s all our story telling contest today. Now we are going to give opportunity for the jury to count to score. And for all participants are hoped to be able to wait outside).Thank you.